Check out our Flash Reports for the latest SEC- and compliance-related news, trends, and insights.
Although total enforcement actions declined compared to the 2023 fiscal year, the Division of Enforcement obtained orders of $8.2 billion in financial remedies. This is the highest amount in SEC history.
Read MoreOn October 31, 2023, the Department of Labor proposed a new rule that would extend the current definition of “investment advice fiduciary” to include advisers when they “give investment advice for a fee to retirement plan participants, individual retirement account owners and others,” according to the DOL’s Press Release.
Every year at this time, Renewal Statements for advisers are posted in the IARD Portal. These fees are collected for system processing and jurisdiction-related renewals. For the calendar year 2024, all renewal fees, related to SEC registration, state notice-filings, or exempt reporting adviser filings, will be submitted electronically through E-Bill and accessible through the FINRA Gateway.
On October 16, 2023, the SEC’s Division of Examinations (“EXAMS”) published its 2024 Examination Priorities. These annual priorities highlight certain practices, products, and services that present potentially heightened risks to investors or the integrity of US capital markets.
On September 29, 2023, the SEC charged five broker-dealers, three dual registrants, and two affiliated investment advisors with “widespread and longstanding failures to maintain and preserve electronic communications,” according to the SEC’s press release. The ten firms will pay combined penalties of $79 million. Each firm was also censured and served a cease-and-desist order.
The SEC recently issued a Wells Notice to SolarWinds executives, representing a seismic shift in accountability from conventional targets, to also include those responsible for overseeing cyber and data security programs, as evidenced by its explicit reference to the SolarWinds chief information security officer.
On September 14, the Private Fund Adviser Rules were published in the Federal Register. According to the Federal Register, the rules are effective Nov. 13, 2023, and comments regarding the collection of information requirements within the meaning of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 should be received on or before October 16, 2023.