Cyber Solutions

Cyber Solutions

Helping Advisers Take Advantage of Technology—Without All the Risk

Key cybersecurity testing, documentation, and support

As technology continues to evolve, it brings tremendous benefit yet significant risk, particularly for those in financial services. Balancing business goals with a sound compliance program can be tricky. That’s where Fairview comes in. Our team of regulatory and cybersecurity experts works with firms to create sustainable, well-documented cybersecurity programs that enable CCOs and investment advisers to utilize new technology, while mitigating risk and maintaining thorough, sound compliance programs.


Our Services:

Risk Detection and Mitigation

  • Annual risk assessment
  • Vendor due diligence (including detailed report with findings and recommendations)

Comprehensive Testing

  • Evaluate material requirements included in cyber and data security policies.
  • Cyber and data security employee training
  • Incident response and disaster recovery exercises
  • Custom phishing training
  • Employee training on AI, including approved and prohibited uses

Penetration Tests and Vulnerability Scans

  • Penetration tests
  • Vulnerability assessments
  • Internal & external scans
  • Dark web scanning
  • Domain name system (DNS) records scanning

Policy Development

  • Assessment of current policies
  • Development of new policies and procedures to address regulatory requirements and industry best practices (including those related to AI)